espanol BioElectric


Extreme Zapper, an Enhanced Clark Zapper

picture of Extreme Zapper

Voltage Output: zero to 12 volts alternating at a the selected frequency
Frequency Output: selectable for 2.5 kilohertz or 30.3 kilohertz (30,300 cycles per second)
Indicator Lights: Red "Power" light stays on as long as the batteries maintain at least 80% of their original voltage. Red "Output" light comes on when the electrodes are connected to the user and there is a normal electrical current flow between the electrodes.
Output Waveform: Pure positive offset square wave independent of load resistance.
Output Current: average .1mA (dependant on body resistance), peak .2mA, which is very safe

Clark Zappers are known to function for some people but not for others. Sometimes they just do part of the job without fully eradicating the offending microbe (virus, bacteria, fungus). Two reasons for this exist; their peak voltage is not very high, and their output waveform does not maintain a perfect square wave when connected to the patient. The squareness of the output waveform determines how effective it is against microbes. The voltage determines the penetrating power of the electricity, whether or not it gets into every crack and crevice. Our version of Clark Zapper is more than twice as powerful and maintains a perfect square wave. The following pictures of the output waveform, with the output electrodes connected to a human, prove what I am saying about the electrical power increase over a normal Clark Zapper. It's twice as strong but still not enough for most people to feel.

The low voltage output of a standard Clark Zapper switching between zero and +5 volts.

The higher voltage of the Extreme Zapper switching between zero and +12 volts.

Rapid transitions in the output waveform determine the microbe killing ability of the device. Looking below you can see how ours has a perfect square wave which makes it extremely effective. The time base on the oscilloscope was extended so that you can more clearly see the transitions.

The longer transition time of a standard Clark Zapper switching between low and high and vice versa. Note the "curve" where there should be squareness.

The rapid transition time of the Extreme Zapper. Note that the transition time is so fast that you can hardly see the up and down lines.


Output Electrodes
Normal Clark Zappers include copper tubing to be held in the hands as the output electrodes. Ours does not because a better way is to place pad electrodes on both sides of the area that needs treatment. For a general body treatment you can use the ankles or under the feet which affects more body area and more blood. Some people have reported that the Clark hand held electrodes cause stiffness of finger joints. And people with heart conditions can't use it that way. But using our pad electrodes on the feet poses no hazard to the heart or finger joints.

Instead of the cloth electrodes (which need to be wet to be electrically conductive) you can order "extra" stick-on 2"x2" electrodes that are nicer but will need to be replaced occasionally. Wetting them with water occasionally extends their sticky life. Click here for a replacement source. Please specify which type of electrodes you want when ordering the "extra electrodes". I personally prefer the cloth electrodes because they are long lasting, can be used anywhere on the body, and are washable.


Client Testimony:
G. A. of New York wrote: "I have used many zappers and I do believe yours to be best.  It has been a short time of use but I believe that I am experiencing greater relief or put another way, yours may be finishing the job that the others have started.  Overall, I think your product represents a good value."

Click here to read dozens of healing testimonies by Clark Zapper users. If these people got results using the common low power version, then how much more will you have results using this higher power version. Click here to read a study showing the percentages of infected people significantly improved by use of a normal Clark Zapper.

Optional Device for viral infections
Our Microbe Electrifier in my experience is the most effective device for assisting the body in elimination of chronic viral infections such as HIV and Epstein-Barr Virus. I would rather you buy it than a Zapper if this is your main concern. It also works with the larger electrodes to kill localized bacterial infections.

Optional Device for Candida infections
Our Candida Zapper in my experience is the most effective device for assisting the body in elimination of chronic Candida albicans infections with two effective anti-Candida frequencies. I would rather you buy it than any other Zapper if this is your main concern.

New Candida-Killing Method
In a study of pulsed DC voltage against candida (pdf,doc) the Medikzap device (from which our zapper was initially patterned) was successful at completely killing candida, but the Clark Zapper wasn't although they both output pulsed DC. (The Medikzap put out 30.3kHz @ 6v peak-peak. The Clark Zapper put out 34.5KHz @ 3.3v peak-peak). Looking at the waveform when applied to a human it is obvious to me that the Medikzap was designed to maintain more of a pure square wave as compared to the gradual rise of voltage on the leading edge of the waveform from the Clark Zapper. A quick "rise time" of a waveform is always essential for microbe killing. That and the higher voltage made the difference.

Above are the lab tests 3 specimens of candida. #0 is candida without treatment. #10 is candida treated with Medikzap after 10 days of treatment. #30 shows zero candida 20 days after the 10 days of treatment.

N.D. (UK) wrote: "This device is great against candida - the most effective tool I've used.  I've been using it daily for 3 weeks now and it has been doing wonders - I am very grateful to you for your efforts. I've had candida for my whole life and been fighting it for around 2 years now so I know how hard it is to kill candida.  I've tried around 30+ remedies and all have worked to a certain extent but your zapper is certainly the most effective. My diet is wheat/dairy free and extremely low in sugar. "

Click here for device usage instructions

Click here to buy this device for $90

or click here to buy the original Medikzap for $611

Click here to see a listing of other Clark Zappers