What to do if you "think" you have to get
the trans-humanism-initiation nano-technology injection

What To Do Before Getting The Vax
At least you can disable the mRNA to keep it from teaching your cells to make spike proteins which cause circulation problems. The mRNA of the vax is extremely fragile due to the necessary lipid coating. That's why it is kept a extremely low temps. Once it is in you it will start doing its dirty deeds after they enter the cells. So your job, if you choose to accept it, is to disarm the mRNA by dissolving the lipid coating right away, before it can enter any cell. So what can we use? How about a solvent that isn't too destructive in the body like alcohol. Does the evil medical system ever warn against drinking alcohol before getting the jab? You bet they do! And that's our ticket to success. Practice to know how much wine or whiskey you can drink without making it obvious you are drunk (losing balance or slurring words). Drink that amount right before the jab and rinse with mouth wash. Have drinks ready in the car to take right after the jab to get totally wasted. Wait an hour and then take 5000mg ascorbic acid to detoxify the alcohol so you have no hangover. Your immune cells will escort the alcohol-damaged mRNA out of your body.

What about the graphene and nano-technology? You can help the body cleanse out the graphene (and aluminum from 25 years of breathing chemtrails powder) with NAC, a good multi-vitamin, and the vitamin C cleanse linked to below. For destroying nano-technology circuits in you any device which can create a strong electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) can destroy them if they are electronic and not some strange alien non-electronic circuit. Consider the Beck Magnetic Pulser from Sota Instruments or my OMF Generator. Use either all over your body, every single inch. I do every month just to be safe.

How can I avoid the jab? Organize a strike or tell everyone you are going to quit and that they should too. Hand out information flyers telling how wicked the injection is. Confront your boss.

What To Do If You've Already Been Jabbed
These are known to fight the effects of the spike proteins: Bromelain, Dandelion Leaf, Pine Needle Tea. All vaccines have a huge amount of toxins and heavy metals also which need to be cleaned out which you can do easy enough. [read more] I carry Bromelain tablets with me so I can pop 2 or 3 when I have to be in a room with vaxed people or talking much time face to face with one of them.

What Benefits Can Be Had With Your Microbe Electrifier?
It might be able to deactivate the spike proteins but I'm not sure. It does disable all viruses, including Korona. It helps keep people blood flowing optimally as it counters the tendency of it to clump togther in long stacks of red blood cells. And I don't know if it can damage mRNA right after getting jabbed, but it's a possibility. Just don't use 4Hz for that.

Are There Any Safe Countries To Move to?
Yes, contrary to the BS you've heard, the greatest amount of control and connection to AI will be done in 1st world countries. That is their plan. There will be some measure of control in all countries once the new world alliance is signed in 2024 but not as bad as in 1st world countries. That's one reason I'm in Ecuador now, because there is no forced vaccination and I walk around without a mask and the police don't say anything. The constitution here, unlike many others, actually dictates specific human rights, including the right to be free of discrimination no matter what your health status is. The constitution of Australia lists not one single human right, and the rights in the US Constitution's Bill of Rights has nothing to protect you from medical tyranny. But don't move away if that will stop any necessary income source. You can live cheap down south but still you need income.

Vitamin C Cleanse