The following is a listing of known MORs (mortal oscillatory rates) as compiled by Dr. Robert P. Stafford, M.D. a physician who worked with an original Rife machine from 1957 to 1963. They are believed to be the killing frequencies Royal Rife himself discovered and verified with his microscope. (from

Original Rife frequencies

Tetanus 120
(An acute, often fatal infectious disease caused by the anaerobic, spore forming bacillus Clostridium tetani.)

Syphilis 660 (Caused by Treponema pallidum, a helical, tightly coiled, motile spirochete, a helical to sinusoidal bacterium. Mechanisms of T. pallidum pathogenesis are poorly understood. Existing diagnostic tests for syphilus are sub-optimal, and no vaccine against T. pallidum is available. The subspecies of T. pallidum cause syphilis, yaws, nonvenereal endemic syphilis or pinta.)

Gonorrhoea 712 (A gram-negative bacteria, Neisseria gonorrhoea, causes this sexual disease and primarily affects columnar epithelium in genital mucosal surfaces of the urethra, accessory ducts and gland, as well as endocervix. If contaminated fingers rub the eye then conjunctivitis can result.)

Staphlococcus 728 (Genus of nonmotile gram-positive bacteria that are found in clusters and that produce important exotoxins. Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus pyogenes) is pyogenic, an opportunistic pathogen and responsible for a range of infections including severe sepsis, pneumonia, endocarditis and soft tissue infections.)

Pneumococcus 776 (Gram-positive pyogenic organisms about 1m diameter, usually encapsulated, closely related to streptococcus, associated with diseases of the lung. Pneumococcus is an important cause of serious infections in the first three months of life. These infections are unlikely to be prevented by the currently available infant immunization strategies. One potential approach to prevention of pneumococcal disease in early infancy is immunization of pregnant women.)

Streptococcus 880 (A genus of bacteria that are gram-positive cocci, often occurring in chains of varying length. Some pathogenic species produce exotoxins. In man, streptococcal species are responsible for numerous infections such as scarlet fever, tonsillitis, erysipelas (skin infection), endocarditis, rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis, impetigo, pneumonia, meningitis, pharyngitis, lymphadenitis and wound infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the main culprit in lobar-pneumonia and broncho-pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae has been known for more than 100 years as the most important bacterial pathogen of the respiratory tract in adults and children. In recent years, the pneumococcus has begun to exhibit increasing resistance to antimicrobial agents.)

Typhoid Bacteria 712 (Typhoid is an infectious febrile illness usually spread by contamination of food, milk or water supplies with bacteria Salmonella typhi. This is not to be confused with Salmonella typhimurium which is the cause of salmonella food poisoning.)

Typhoid Virus 1862

Bacillus Coli Rod Form 800
(Most probably Escherichia coli, the archetypal bacterium for biochemists, used very extensively in experimental work. A rod shaped gram-negative bacillus (0.5 x 3-5 m) abundant in the large intestine (colon) of mammals at about .1% of the total. E. coli, along with other species of bacteria, provide us with Vitamin K and B-complex vitamins. But a rare strain of this bacteria, E. coli O157:H7, is responsible for food poisoning which causes bleeding of the intestines which can be fatal.)

Bacillus Coli Virus 1552

Tuberculosis Rod Form 803
(Tuberculosis, an infectious bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is characterized by inflammatory infiltrations, formation of tubercles (solid elevations of skin or mucous membranes), tissue death, abscesses, formation of fibrous tissue, and calcification of tissue. Infection is transmitted from infected people, cows, or contaminated milk. Presently the worlds leading killer. It usually occurs as pneumonia, but TB can also occur in the brain, back, knee, lymph nodes, or other organs and bones.)

Tuberculosis Virus 1552

Sarcoma cancer (all forms) 2008
(A form of cancer that arises in the supportive tissues such as bone, cartilage, fat or muscle.)

Carcinoma cancer (all forms) 2128 (A malignant new growth that arises from epithelium, found in skin or, more commonly, the lining of body organs, for example: breast, prostate, lung, stomach or bowel. Carcinomas tend to infiltrate into adjacent tissue and spread (metastasize) to distant organs, for example: to bone, liver, lung or the brain.)

Streptothrix 784 (A genus of bacilli occurring of the form of long, smooth and apparently branched threads, either straight or twisted. Streptothrix is a synonym for Actinomyces israelii. This species is a gram-positive, cast-forming, non–acid-fast, non–spore-forming anaerobic bacillus that is difficult to isolate and identify. Its filamentous growth and mycelialike colonies have a striking resemblance to fungi. They are soil organisms. It can cause the eye diseases Canaliculitis and Keratitis.)

Leprosy 783 (An infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (mycobacteria are bacteria with unusual cell walls that are resistant to digestion, being waxy, very hydrophobic and rich in lipid), an obligate intracellular parasite that survives lysosomal enzyme attack by possessing a waxy coat. Leprosy is a chronic disease associated with depressed cellular (but not humoral) immunity. The bacterium requires a lower temperature than 37­C and thrives particularly in peripheral Schwann cells and macrophages. Only humans and the nine banded armadillo are susceptible.)

Also, frequencies for polio, cholera, actinomycosis, glanders, bubonic plague, anthrax, influenza, herpes, cataracts, glaucoma, colitis, sinus, ulcers were discovered by Rife but we don't have any direct records from him on these frequencies.

(Definitions in parentheses are mostly from the on-line medical dictionary at and other medical web sites.)

Rife stated they had narrowed the actual distinct number of groups of pathogenic bacteria to 10. In his 1953 book, Rife commented on this:
"We have classified the entire category of pathogenic bacteria into 10 individual groups. Any organism within its group can be readily changed to any other organism within the ten groups depending upon the media with which it is fed and grown. For example, with a pure culture of bacillus coli, by altering the media as little as two parts per million by volume, we can change that micro-organism in 36 hours to a bacillus typhosis showing every known laboratory test even to the Widal reaction. Further controlled alterations of the media will end up with the virus of poliomyelitis or tuberculosis or cancer as desired, and then, if you please, alter the media again and change the micro-organism back to bacillus coli."

Rife contended certain conclusions escaped earlier researchers simply because they lacked the evidence of their eyes in seeing these forms develop from a single entity: pleomorphism. They require a power of magnification and resolution beyond the typical 2,000 power instrument.

Rife's work suggested that the wide array of disease bacterium were merely differentiation phases in a life-cyle of an as of yet undetermined entity. Researcher Gaston Naessens has verified many of Rife's findings, and has delineated 16 phases of change of what Rife called the premodal identity, which Naessens calls "somatids".

The Rife frequency instrument kills the "normal" carcinoma cancer cell by rupturing the thousands of BX cancer viruses they contain and thereby dumping the BX cancer virus contents into the cancer cell cytoplasm. This BX cancer virus as Rife named it in 1931 is not a virus by the normal standard usage of the term today. Rife based his definition on the fact that the BX cancer virus could pass through the finest Berkefeld porcelain filter of the time (000 filter). The BX cancer virus is ovoid in shape, .066 microns along the major axis and .05 microns along the minor axis. It is motile, driven by a proton transport flagella the same as its bacterial parent, the E-coli bacteria. When the BX cancer virus is ruptured it spills out its genome, ribosomes, RNA, enzymes, and various proteins. When thousands of these ruptures occur all at once in a carcinoma cancer cell the results are fatal to the cancer cell. A similar situation occurs in the sarcoma cancer cell when the BY cancer viruses are all disintegrated at once. The BY cancer virus is another form of the BX cancer virus which Rife found caused sarcoma cancer after it had been exposed to prolonged ultraviolet light exposure.

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