picture of Microbe Electrifier

Microbe Electrifier Plus: An electronic blood purifier for use on animals for fighting virus/bacteria in the bloodstream. This blood purifier can deliver a safe low voltage alternating current (AC) output (at a selectable frequency of 4, 10, or 40 hertz), pure square wave, low current signal which neutralizes (stops reproduction of) viruses and kills bacteria so the microbes can be eliminated from the body. Research from Albert Einstein College of Medicine has revealed the effectiveness of electric currents on the AIDS virus, and research from Iran proved that electricity disables Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 & Adenovirus type 5. Blood electrification works against viruses by deactivating their ability to penetrate into cells (and once there, reproduce while hiding out). By keeping them out of the cells and in the blood serum the immune system can easily remove them from the body. This unit is the same as other blood purifiers except for the following two improved features.


Microbe Electrifier Plus


1) Current Indicator: This blood purifier, unlike other companies units, allows you to set the electric current output to the correct amount (.13 milliamps, 130 microamps) which is perfectly safe. Not knowing the amount of current applied can lead to irregular side effects from day to day. That is because the higher the current is, the more effects there are, both good and bad. Turning the current up too high can cause allergy-like skin irritations and much more problems with medicines due to transfection (the blood's over absorption of chemicals). Having a definite indicator that the animal is getting 130 microamps is a definite must for blood purification.

2) Frequency Selector: The output frequency can be set via a switch to the frequencies of 4, 10, or 40 hertz. This added feature allows you to adjust the frequency to match the level of transfection-protection that your animal needs. In other words, if at 4 hertz your pet feels really bad from using the device (right after taking drugs or herbs) and you want less of that transfection (electroporation) from the treatment, then you can set the control to 10 or 40 hertz. By trial and error you can find the perfect setting for your animal.

3) Electrode Selection: Supplied are wrist electrodes for blood electrification, and 3" square pad electrodes for localized treatments against bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. You can fight infections of the mouth, stomach, throat, nose, bladder, etc. Also any infections from cuts. So this is really a two-in-one device without equal. The wrist electrodes are meant to be used on both wrists or both ankles which is far superior to using them only on one wrist (which greatly limits how much current enters the arteries).

4) Damped Wave Option: It comes with one extra switch that allows you to select the output waveform, either standard square wave or damped wave. By "damped" I mean that the leading "square" edge of each polarity reversal is rounded off. This prevents the intitial spike of electric current that true square wave outputs cause. The spike makes the output more deadly to microbes but is also potentially harmful to blood cells if usage extends more than the standard two months. The spike is also what damages skin. This extended usage is expected with clients having AIDS. Also persons like myself who easily get reinfected with the Epstein-Barr virus (causing the viral form of chronic fatigue syndrome) and live with an infected person (who will not go through 2 months of treatment to get rid of the virus) need to plan to use the Microbe Electrifier twice a week for the rest of their lives. An added bonus to the damped square wave output is that for treatment against a localized bacterial infection you can turn the output dial even farther to the right for more delivered electric current for more effectiveness. My personal experiences are showing this to possibly be the best way to fight a bacterial infection.


This blood purifier's output cable attaches to 2 small cloth electrodes (which are to be made wet with water and strapped over arteries) or 2 cloth pad electrodes (size 3" square for localized treatment of infections). Typical usage for blood purification is 1 to 2 hours daily for 6-8 weeks. With the 4 hertz setting animals should not have previously ingested any drugs. With the 10 and 40 hertz settings there are less precautions for use. It's battery powered with a one year warranty. The four 9 volt batteries are not included. Click here for technical specifications of the Microbe Electrifier.